Looking for an alternative to reddit

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023


  • I don’t think we have much of a choice. Anyone who is not using these things are being left behind. I work in IT though so it’s from that perspective, but I use it all the time to get samples of code or help that usually works, but not always.

    Sometimes they are really bad though, and I hope this new model will help with that.

    Even if it costs more in the future, companies will pay for it. It’s just saving so much time day to day.

  • I think the larger problem is that we are now trying to be non-controversal to avoid downvotes.

    Who thinks it’s a good idea to self censor on social media? Because that’s what you are doing, because of the downvote system.

    I will never agree downvotes are a net positive. They create censorship and allows the ignorant mob or bots to push down things they don’t like reading.

    Bots make it worse of course, since they can just downvote whatever they are programmed to downvote, and upvote things that they want to be visible. Basically it’s like having an army of minions to manipulate entire platforms.

    All because of downvotes and upvotes. Of course there should be a way to express that you agree or disagree but should that affect visibility directly? I don’t think so.