Have my second pc on running Linux mint for about half a year now and it’s been a pleasure so far.
I think I’ll be prepared to switch over fully in a year.
So fucking refuse to switch over to 11
Have my second pc on running Linux mint for about half a year now and it’s been a pleasure so far.
I think I’ll be prepared to switch over fully in a year.
So fucking refuse to switch over to 11
I’ll be passing on that.
I don’t enjoy my content being the same format as advertising.
Glad to hear of any federated internet updates though.
Still a better use of the electricity than Ai.
Don’t connect the wifi and use an external device. Have no issues with my now lobotomized screen.
Or just use the sensibly placed identical lamp that’s next to his wife.
The only reason that lamp is positioned there is to sell that product.
A “smart device” is something that doesn’t need a pc in it AT ALL.
“Smart devices” are for stupid people.
A fucking shithead of a human.
Because they can. There are no laws stopping them.
This isn’t tech news, it’s a social media ad.
In their eyes they just made 30 million more customers.
Fucking parasites.
What part of “Pornography should be outlawed” don’t you understand. That also entails owning and viewing porn.
ABOUT FUCKING TIME. Take edge and shove it so far up your data tracking sphincter of a face hole.
Can we please get these laws on a global level.
Stop using Google already ffs!