Yo ho ho and fuck the police
I protected myself by deleting Twitter the day douche nozzle took over because I’m not a fucking moron.
Welp I’m done, just started talking to my clients about moving to SquareSpace.
I switch to FF like 2 years ago
Yeah, no fucking shit. Could have told you that without the need to spend 100’s of millions of dollars on the investigation. Here’s a free one for you. Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, listen to phone calls and ease drop on conversations near home assistants too. The fact that you get an ad for the thing you just talked about 10 min ago should prove that to even the dumbest asshole.
Musk and no, anyone still using it is fine with its issues
Fuck elon with a brick. Nope.
So it Twitter, but people still suck Elon’s Dick, Reddit pretty much told people to go fuck themselves, Facebook has been a shit show for over a decade. So I won’t hold my breath.